Thursday, October 27, 2016


My name is Teri Pettit. I am 31 years old, happily married to Kyle, and mom to a sweet 8 year old golden retriever, named Gunner. Life for me has drastically changed over the last several years due in part to several factors. I was diagnosed with endometriosis on January 6, 2012. I learned I was gluten intolerant in 2013, in 2014 we started trying for a family, in the beginning of 2015 I was diagnosed infertile and later that same year became dairy intolerant. Speaking about my experiences has proven to be somewhat therapeutic.

Female reproductive diseases and infertility have been largely considerably taboo subjects to speak about. It can carry a lot of baggage, emotion, heartache, judgement, and shame for women and families it touches. I have been very fortunate to have had a lot of women reach out to me and share their experiences with infertility. It is much more common than I ever imagined. I am not in anyway saying that my story is more important than anyone else's, but I am willing to share it in hopes that it can help someone else who is being impacted.

These days everyone knows someone with a food intolerance, but a lot of people do not know where to start when combining multiple issues. I have found a lot of tricks and life hacks to make day to day living easier without gluten or dairy. There are of course some times when we just have to suck it up and come to grips with food being difficult and more work.  Such is life and most days it is worth the extra hassle. Living gluten and dairy free is something I have helped many people with and believe I can reach more people using this format.

Welcome to my journey. I hope I can help, inspire, support or guide anyone who comes along and needs a little encouragement or extra comfort.

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