Thursday, December 22, 2016

Back to the basics: going dairy free

Once you have cut out a whole food group it will either be easier to do a second because you know what resources to look at or it will throw you completely off your rocker. I lived off of dairy after going gluten free. It took a long time to convince me to stop eating it. My naturopath at the time suggested I give it a try because a lot of women with fertility issues have an underlying reaction to dairy that causes inflammation. Since it was a free treatment that would only take a little dedication, I thought I would give it a shot for a month or two. It takes three full weeks for dairy to be removed from your system so I was very careful not to cheat on anything. After being off of it for awhile, I introduced it back and started having digestive issues. That is where my dairy free living began.

Any milk or cheese product whether it is cow, sheep or goat is considered dairy. Some people are lactose intolerant, others are casein intolerant. I use protein shakes daily. One version of them are 99% lactose free, I had a mild reaction and was able to narrow it down to a casein reaction. Fortunately for me I can tolerate sheep and goat products.

The hardest part of not eating dairy is salad dressings and soups. Most of the recipes I love that has been passed down from family contains a creamed soup. I had to find alternatives. Luckily there are some great resources online and I found some delicious ones!! (recipes to come) Milk alternatives are hemp, coconut, soy or almond. Hemp is by far my favorite and does not give recipes any alternative taste.

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