Friday, December 30, 2016

New Years Resolution

Now is the time when everyone is planning their New Years Resolutions. It can be anything from losing weight, getting in better shape or running a race to being more organized, not being late all the time or being happier in general. Whatever you may be wanting or wishing for, make a plan. Do something you know you can hit (ie not to win the million dollar lottery or jackpot). A lot of times we plan for things that are so outrageous, we get mad 2 weeks in when we haven't even started to see progress. That is a sure fire way to fail. Surround yourself with people who are doing what you want or who have the same goals. Get rid of the negativity or doubters. If you need a supporter let me know. I will be there.

As for my resolution... I am going to run my first ever half marathon. I started this journey last year and was derailed by an injury. This will be the year I complete that. I also am hoping to get back on the baby train. Hopefully with the house getting started in the spring and the move being completed our luck will turn around.

BRING ON 2017!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a new years resolution kind of gal. I guess I make resolutions all the time. I try to be a better version of me today, everyday. I love your spirit. You make a goal and work at it. Love you!
