Monday, December 19, 2016

First attempt IUI

One year ago today we were sitting in the fertility clinic. This was going to be our first attempt at an IUI (intrauterine insemination aka turkey baster method) non-drug assisted. Years of trying on our own, months of working with the specialist, acupuncturists and naturopaths had led to this moment. It is not a simple procedure. I was tracking my temperatures daily at 5:00 am to check for ovulation. I would then verify it by an ovulation test. I was eating as clean and organic as I could. I wasn't exercising more than 25 minutes a day or running more than one mile at a time. I practiced yoga and mediation. I did everything the right way. We did not tell anyone we were going because if it worked, I wanted it to be a surprise. I was cautiously excited and hopeful.

We get there. My husband does his part of the procedure. We have to wait an hour while it is processed. It is the week before Christmas, we have driven over an hour after working all day and my brain was a bit scattered. I normally ovulate on day 12 but with any reproductive disease that can change from month to month. When we went back to the office, the doctor started asking me a series of questions to be sure it was the right time. I had been in a rush and not really thinking that morning and so I told the Dr that it was day 7 or 9 of my cycle. He then told me I was not ovulating and he did not think it would be in my best interest to go further. He did not believe me that my ovulation test was a true positive. We ended up doing an ultrasound to see if I was right. I was told I was not, he would do the IUI if I wanted but it wasn't going to work and I would be out that much money. I was devastated. I sat in the room completely deflated. We chose not to go through with it since he said it wouldn't matter and I sobbed the entire ride home.

One week later I was sent for a blood test to verify what I was told. It turned out I was right. I did ovulate. We could have went through with it and it could have worked. I feel fortunate that I have not had a miscarriage, I have not had an emotional roller coaster like a lot of women have, I am fairly scientific and matter of fact about our situation but this was the most difficult day to date and I have not been back.

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