Sunday, January 22, 2017

Chili Seasoning

Chili Seasoning

2 tablespoons chili powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp paprika

I make a double batch of this one as well. It is just easier when you don't have to make it every time. Place it in a small glass jar and keep with the rest of your seasonings.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Fajita seasoning

Most seasonings have something hidden in them... Whether you are dairy free, gluten free, soy free, whatever free, chances are in that little packet of so called yumminess, there is an ingredient lurking to make you sick. I have started making my own seasonings to reduce that chance and also make them healthier. I can use organic ingredients and reduce the salt content.

Fajita Seasoning: (I make a double batch which lasts for a long time, just place in an empty glass jar)

1 tablespoon cornstarch
2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp sugar (or less)
1 tsp salt (or less)
3/4 tsp chicken bouillon (I don't always include this)
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4 tsp cumin

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Easy Thai Yellow Curry Paste

If you are a curry fan, you know that yellow curry is delicious. You also know that when you go to the store there is only red and green available on the shelf premade. But how do the restaurants make the yellow stuff so good? Paste. This recipe completely changed my curry game. It makes the house smell fantastic while you are making it. I also made 1 Tbsp balls with the left overs (it makes a huge batch) and froze it. It will last a long time!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

DF/GF Cream of Chicken Soup

I will never go back to store bought, processed goo in a can again. Even if I could eat that stuff, I wouldn't do it. This homemade, from scratch recipe is so yummy! You can make a big batch and freeze it. I plan to make a huge batch and can it next year when my pantry is done. 

My only tweak to this recipe is, use 4-5 Tbsp gluten free flour, 5-6 can be too much. Also I prefer hemp milk. It doesn't fight the other flavors.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Chipotle Pulled Pork with avocado aioli

You guys! This is the best pulled pork I have ever made. The avocado aioli dressing I am now addicted to and put it on everything. Dairy intolerant? Great! Use this dip!

This is also one of my favorite websites for recipe ideas. Check her out

Monday, January 9, 2017

What did you find?

About a month ago the naturopath I was seeing recommended I do her version of a food intolerance test. She said that many things show up at different times and it would be a worth while shot at seeing what food I react to now. Maybe I had leaky gut and we could heal it and my diet wouldn't be so limited. I was not at all expecting these results. It was suggested that I eliminate potato and soy in any form or quantity as well as having the other two categories 6 hours apart. I can tell you I panicked and went into denial.

How can one eat no gluten, no dairy, no potato or no soy. My favorite shakes have potato starch in them.... no way I am not having those. All the options of food in one category eliminated the options from another. I spoke with many people who have one of these intolerances or more. I spoke with the naturopath again for more clarification. I have decided not to eliminate completely these foods. I am not living off of meat, fruit, veggies, beans and legumes without any yummy sauce in them for the rest of my life. The decision really boiled down to this...

If you look hard enough, long enough for something wrong you will find it. I have been on the baby journey for almost three years now. I have been on the endometriosis journey for at least double that. I am highly intuitive to my own body and can usually tell what is happening and why. After the naturopath not listening to me a few times I decided to go back to what I know about me. I will be mindful of what I eat, but not restrictive. This life is for living, not surviving.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Also called Greek Lemon Chicken Soup. Who doesn't love Lemon and Chicken together?! Beings that it is winter, throw it in a soup and you have amazingness.

3/4 cup gluten free penne (whole wheat works too)
1 lb raw chicken, cut into bite size pieces
3 large eggs
4 Tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice (1 large lemon)
4 cups low-sodium, organic chicken broth
1 cup chopped fresh spinach
sea salt and pepper to taste

1. Cook pasta according to package directions until al dente; drain and cool
2. Heat pot on medium, coat with nonstick spray
3. Add chicken; cook, stirring frequently. Set aside.
4. Whisk together eggs and lemon juice in large bowl. Slowly add broth, whisking constantly.
5. Transfer egg mixture to pot. Add chicken, spinach, pasta and any remaining broth.
6. Season with salt and pepper.

This is a low calorie, low sodium and high protein meal. I was skeptical that there would not be a lot of flavor due to no other seasonings being added, but it is delicious! Link is to the original, I have altered it to my liking some.