Friday, November 4, 2016

Avoid stress or get therapy?

I like to work out. It feels good to break a sweat and work muscles that do not get attention at other times of the day. When dealing with infertility, however, even good exercise can be viewed as
harmful. A few years ago I was starting to get into running as well as cross training. My doctor suggested that I not run over one mile a day because even good stress was still stress and the body could see it as counterproductive. For a long time I took his advise. Once we moved to an area that had better weather (and with the slight nudging of a friend) I decided I had enough of the "take it easy" plan. There is only so long you can do everything properly without reward. I began training for my first half marathon. This is 13.1 miles in length. I began to realize how good it felt to run and be in my own zone. After a couple months though I strained my quadricep muscle and had to stop. Even though I was following a very good training schedule, I was pushing my limits because I felt so good. I have just begun to start back in, very slowly, after two months of nothing. I had almost forgotten how therapeutic it is and how a good sweat feels. Gunner has been joining me on these warm up runs and is enjoying every moment of it too.

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