Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Italian sausage and kale soup

Dinner tonight was a gluten and dairy free masterpiece of yumminess! 

1 pack of Italian Sausage
3 baking potatoes or 6 red potatoes
1 bunch of kale
2 boxes organic low sodium chicken broth

red pepper flakes, a couple shakes or more depending on how spicy you want it
garlic powder
black pepper
salt, to taste

Boil peeled and diced potatoes in chicken broth, add seasonings. 
Cook Italian sausage while the potatoes boil. Once potatoes are soft, add sausage to pot. 
Add chopped kale to rest of soup and let simmer. Add to taste. 

** I do not measure out seasonings, I just dump them in until I like the flavor. Start small (like 1/4 tsp) and add until you like it **

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