Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Moo no more

I am finding out that there are a lot of things we may be reactive to nutritionally that we are not aware of. When seeing my naturopath for fertility consultations she suggested that many women who cut out dairy end up conceiving because they were not aware of a reaction. At that time I had been trying for so long, doing everything right, none of my tests came back conclusive or correlating to anything else I was open to any idea. I thought what the heck, why not give it a shot?!

I lived on cheese, I love sour cream, milk and cookies is still mouth watering to me. It was not easy. But I chose to try it and see if I could save money with further treatments and some less heartache associated with it all. Once I got the hang of what I could and could not eat it was not too bad of a deal. What I found was once I added dairy back in I had problems. The digestive/GI issues are not the greatest. Fortunately for me I was able to isolate that it is the casein protein and not just lactose that I react to so I can really narrow in what I can and cannot eat. I can reduce the effect if I use probiotics and digestive enzymes... however a lot of times this creates inflammation and that is not something you want to take over your body. I have a lot of practices to reduce inflammation naturally so adding it back is not what I want to do. I am hopeful one day that I may be able to have sour cream or milk again (just for cookie dipping) but for now I am learning lots about alternative foods and recipes. In the end I know it will be worth it.

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