Friday, November 18, 2016


One of the best gifts I was given was the advise to read a book on the Fertility Awareness Method. It is a way of learning your bodies signs on when you are most fertile. This can be to prevent pregnancy as much as to succeed with a pregnancy. It is so simple, just takes a little bit of work. One of the less invasive and easy aspects is temperature charting. You are able to establish your baseline temperature (prior to ovulation) and then when it increases you know you have ovulated. If it stays elevated for 18 days straight or more, you are pregnant. If it drops your cycle is starting over. I included a link to more information on FAM and how it works. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The book I read was almost 10 lbs... ok that may be a bit much, but still it was big.

Below is the downloadable/printable chart. If you are trying to get pregnant these are critical in keeping on track. Your fertility doctor will love you if you have these to bring. They tell so much about your cycle and can take a lot out of the guessing game.

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